Monday, August 2

Walking a paved path

So after the initial disappointment with my new job and of course a lot a bit of stress about how I am going to pay bills and support my wife, I decided to attempt to do something with the other side of my degree. As most of you know I graduated with an Aviation Flight Science Bachelors as well as a Aviation Science and Administration Bachelors, and I did this in the hopes that I would not have to go back to school for my MBA.  After about a week of setting up and profiles I started getting calls.  I took interviews for about a week, most of which were in Orlando.  In the end it came down to two positions. One would just be another job that I could do on the side from home and possibly make a commission or two after about a billion phone calls. The other position was again a commission based job but after your first promotion there is a base pay, nothing great but at least it is something stable to pay the bills with. Well after a first and second interview I was really hoping for something. The interviewers told me that they would call me around 3pm with there decision and I had to be at my flight instructing job at 4pm.  Because I live about an hour away when 3pm came and went I got in my car and started driving to Vero Beach.

About 3 miles down the road I started freaking out because I hadn't received a call yet. In a moment of sanity I started to pray. I asked God to take my stress, and anxiety and this possible job in his hands. I asked Him for his will and said that if it was his will could he please have the people call me before I got to my other job, and if it wasn't his will I asked him to make them not call at all.

Amazingly at about 3:45 pm my phone rang. I answered and it was one of the guys that I interviewed with telling me that I got the job if I wanted it!

I accepted, and started training in the next few days. The job itself was advertised as a management trainee position. The company itself is called FFG which stands for Financial Foundation Group. Basically I will be a type of an insurance salesman dealing with Life, Health, Annuities, and retirement stuff. However the company itself and the way that it is set up is what attracted me the most. Basically this company is set up a lot like which is a site that I very much enjoy. Most companies in this business require some sort of payment just to sit down and talk about options, and this company doesn't. This company focuses on educating people on their how to get the most out of their money. Also FFG is an independent company, meaning that they have access to more products than most other companies.  Now where the management training comes into play is that this company is growing so much that their goal is to have everyone open their own branch of the company eventually.

I am not planning or resided to any stoppage of flight instructing and flying, but it may take a backseat to this new opportunity for awhile. Currently I have been studying the basics and laws of the state of Florida and will be taking my licensing exam with in the next week hopefully.
As always, Much Love to you all.


1 comment:

  1. well I'm happy to see that this is one way you can try to keep in touch with us. Sorry don't wanna sound bitter but I miss you guys and it sucks.
    Hope things are going alright
