Thursday, January 27

The Hiatis

So I am not even sure that the title of this thing is spelled correctly. However, basically I am appologising for not keeping up with this blog. Additionally I am offering an explaition, not an excuse.

When I started this blog this household was a two computer home. I usually used my computer for music, and television mostly with the occasional work e-mail or two as well as the new blog. One night I was watching Hulu while doing the dishes and the phone rang. Some of you can see where this is going I am sure. As I ran for my phone I tripped over the power cord of my computer causing it to fall from the counter upon which it was resting. The resulting crash destroyed the screen of my beautiful apple laptop, and the happy household of 2 computers became the home of 1.

Seeing how we have more important things to be saving our money for right now other than a new computer Lauren and I are sharing her laptop that she got free from work.  And because she spends rediculous hours at school I usually don't get a chance to be on a computer until the evenings which severely limits the blogging time. So my dear friends I am taking a break, until when I am not sure as of yet. You may catch the random post here or there on the weekends when Lauren doesn't need the computer that much to do grading or other school related things. However, I am sure that my posts will be few and far between. You can still catch up with me on facebook and I do check my e-mail regularly. Much love to you all.
